[dev] Re: Horde cyrsql vs. cyrus auth driver

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Thu Jun 3 08:53:41 PDT 2004


Cituojama Jason M. Felice:

> It appears the `cyrsql' driver is redundant.  It creates mailboxes and
> uses SQL for actual auth.  The `cyrus' driver, on the other hand,
> creates mailboxes and chains to a user-specified backend auth driver for
> actual auth, so the `cyrus' driver is more flexible.

> If noone can think of a reason to keep both, I'm going to kill cyrsql.

After your statement I wanted to test my installation with cyrus
driver, and noticed that it's not in conf.xml and I don't know what
parameters i must specify in conf.php. So I can't say anything
about killing cyrsql before I test it. Would you mind fixing it? :)

  Best regargs,

  Vilius Šumskas
  LNK TV system administrator
  mob.: +370 614 75713

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