[dev] IMP: Show localized INBOX-name instead of "INBOX"?

Malte Wedel ich at malte.de
Tue Jun 8 23:18:19 PDT 2004

On Dienstag, Juni 8, 2004, at 03:36  Uhr, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Quoting Joel Vandal <jvandal at infoteck.qc.ca>:
>> A lot of different solution exist for this... and the way I use work
>> perfectly on servers here. I only translate the folder for display so 
>> when I
>> want to go to the INBOX folder, it go to folder=INBOX but display 
>> "Boite de
>> Reception"...
>> Only have a few _( ) and add in the .po file and add default folders 
>> name
>> (ex. INBOX, draft, sent-mail, trash).... about ~10-20 lines of 
>> diffs...
> Alright, send the unified diff. I'm nearly convinced.

This is a patch for RELENG, that shows a localized INBOX-name. It does 
not have a configuration parameter to make it optional yet, but should 
be easy to add. I do not know, whether other horde-applications 
access/display the imp-folders as well. There might be more work to do. 
I hope this patch is so simple, that it can convince you :-)

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