[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: framework/IMAP/IMAP Tree.php imp/lib Folder.php imp/templates/menu menu.inc

Malte Wedel ich at malte.de
Mon Jun 14 01:05:45 PDT 2004

On Montag, Juni 14, 2004, at 05:19  Uhr, Jon Parise wrote:

> On Sun, Jun 13, 2004 at 07:55:04PM -0700, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>> chuck       2004-06-13 19:55:04 PDT
>>   Modified files:
>>     IMAP/IMAP            Tree.php
>>     lib                  Folder.php
>>     templates/menu       menu.inc
>>   Log:
>>   localize INBOX ("Inbox", etc).
>>   Submitted by: Malte Wedel <ich at malte.de> Germany
> This probably deserves a CHANGES entry, too.

I have another question to this change... why wasn't the 
"getLabel"-change in IMP.php not committed? This label is used on 
several occasions (like the window-title, the mailbox-header, the "Back 
to INBOX"-Link in messages. As far I understand, this is the point 
where the mailbox name is mapped to a label, so INBOX should be mapped 
there as well.


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