[dev] [Patch] Check for requied attributes

Tarjei Huse tarjei+a_lists.phpgw at nu.no
Thu Jul 29 06:25:21 PDT 2004

On Tue, 2004-07-27 at 10:30, Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Tarjei Huse <tarjei+a_lists.phpgw at nu.no>:
> > Hi,
> >
> > The attached patch adds functionality to turbas ldapdriver to check if
> > an entry beeing added contains all the attributes needed.
> >
> > This is especially practical with regard to adding entries from other
> > applications (like imp) as they cannot tell the user that f.x. the
> > Lastname field is required. As the patch is no, it adds just a "N/A"
> > string instead.
> I'm really no LDAP guru, but wouldn't this break the record even more, if
> the required field is not of a string type?
That is true. I tried to use some other schema commands to find out if
it would be possible to check the syntax of the attribute as well.

However some of the attributes in question( sn and cn) does not give up
their syntaxstrings when I query the OpenLDAP-server, so for the most
pressing attributes this would not work ;-/

I can not remember seeing a combination of objectclasses where this
might be an issue, f.x. because the attribute in question was a binary
attribute (think photos etc). If this becomes a problem , just turn the
feature off. 

The reason I do this is that this makes it possible to have addressbooks
that are compatible with Evolution and other addressbook applications
that use inetorgperson and / or person as one of theobjectclasses.


> Jan.
> --
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Tarjei Huse
Bergfald & Co AS
Telefon: 23 00 05 90
Mobiltelefon: 920 63 413

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