[dev] [PATCH] comic.php.dist.diff

jed-horde-dev at uma.litech.org jed-horde-dev at uma.litech.org
Sat Jul 31 04:54:43 PDT 2004

Here's a patch for comics.php.dist in Klutz that adds the following
comic stips:

  /usr/bin/w00t		    http://www.w00t-comic.net/
  Mutts		    	    http://www.muttscomics.com/
  Sluggy Freelance  	    http://www.sluggy.com/
  Piled Higher and Deeper   http://www.phdcomics.com/

(Saikat Guha contributed the PhD part of the patch.)


Jed Liu
-------------- next part --------------
--- comics.php.dist.orig	2004-07-31 07:42:21.913893718 -0400
+++ comics.php.dist	2004-07-31 07:42:29.379900702 -0400
@@ -2,6 +2,35 @@
 // $Horde: klutz/config/comics.php.dist,v 1.33 2004/01/07 22:47:19 marcus Exp $
 $comics = array(
+    'sluggy' => array(
+        'name'      => 'Sluggy Freelance',
+        'author'    => 'Pete Abrams',
+        'homepage'  => 'http://www.sluggy.com/',
+        'method'    => 'search',
+        'url'       => 'http://www.sluggy.com/daily.php?date={%y%m%d}',
+	'search'    => 'src="(http://pics.sluggy.com/comics/\d+\w.\w{3})',
+        'enabled'   => true
+    ),
+    'w00t' => array(
+	'name'	    => '/usr/bin/w00t',
+	'author'    => 'Chaobell',
+	'homepage'  => 'http://www.w00t-comic.net/',
+	'method'    => 'direct',
+	'url'	    => 'http://www.w00t-comic.net/images/strip/{%Y%m%d}.png',
+	'enabled'   => true,
+        'days'      => 'random'
+    ),
+    'mutts' => array(
+	'name'	    => 'Mutts',
+	'author'    => 'Patrick McDonnell',
+	'homepage'  => 'http://www.muttscomics.com/',
+	'method'    => 'direct',
+	'url'	    => 'http://www.muttscomics.com/art/images/daily/{%m%d%y}.gif',
+	'enabled'   => true
+    ),
     'dilbert' => array(
         'name'      => 'Dilbert',
         'method'    => 'search',
@@ -765,6 +794,18 @@
         'url'       => 'http://www.comics.com/comics/geech/archive/geech-{%Y%m%d}.html',
         'search'    => 'src\s*=\s*\S*(/comics/[a-zA-Z0-9\/.]+/geech\d+.\w{3})',
         'enabled'   => true
-    )
+    ),
+    'phdcomics' => array(
+        'name'      => 'Piled Higher and Deeper',
+        'author'    => 'Jorge Cham',
+        'homepage'  => 'http://www.phdcomics.com/',
+        'method'    => 'bysize',
+        'url'       => 'http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive_list.php',
+        'search'    => '<a href=([^>]*)><b>{tl0(%m)}/{tl0(%d)}/{%Y}</b></a>',
+        'subs'      => array('search'),
+        'days'      => 'random',
+        'enabled'   => 'true'
+    ),    

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