[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: thor/config thor_registry.php.dist thor/graphics administrator.gif blocked.png delete.gif developer.gif group.gif guest.gif help.gif info.gif logout.gif note.gif unblocked.png thor/lib Project.php thor/templates/menu menu.inc ...

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Aug 11 20:35:27 PDT 2004

Quoting Carlos Pedrinaci <cpedrinaci at yahoo.es>:

> I uploaded these because I thought that was the "global policy" (I have
> seen replicated icons in other apps). Maintaining just one copy of
> common icons in Horde/graphics makes sense for me also.
> I understand this is the policy for icons, right?

We don't have a policy, per se. But I've been trying to move towards including
ones that we use everywhere to Horde, and just using those.

> Regarding some of the icons... don't you like also the upgrade.png and
> downgrade.png as replacements for collapse and expand?

Yeah, looks good. I'll do that.


"Regard my poor demoralized mule!" - Juan Valdez

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