[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: ansel ecard.php

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Aug 30 11:57:40 PDT 2004

Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at bigworm.curecanti.org>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> jan         2004-08-30 03:17:02 PDT
>>   Modified files:
>>     .                    ecard.php
>>   Log:
>>   Set charset of HTML mime part and don't reload opener window (was there a
>>   reason for this?)
> I think I stuck it in there because I was going to add a success notification
> message, and we need the reload to display it in the opener window.  
> Never got
> around to creating the success notification obviously, and am not sure
> if it is
> necessary and/or desired.

I removed it because I was testing over a slow line, and reloading the page
was kind of annoying in that situation. A notification might make sense,
but at least we have one already if anything went wrong. And even in IMP we
didn't have success notifications for a long time if this is comparable.


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