[Fwd: [dev] Re: [i18n] Latest Horde and IMP translation for PersianLanguage.]

Vahid Ghafarpour vahid at ghafarpour.com
Thu Sep 2 04:20:39 PDT 2004

Vahid Ghafarpour.
vahid at ghafarpour.com

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [dev] Re: [i18n] Latest Horde and IMP translation for
PersianLanguage. From:    "Vahid Ghafarpour" <vahid at ghafarpour.com>
Date:    Thu, September 2, 2004 15:46
To:      dev at lists.horde.org

I will do it asap

Vahid Ghafarpour.
vahid at ghafarpour.com

Jan Schneider said:
> Just in case you got me wrong: I did not complain that we didn't get an
official translation for so long. I just find it funny that we got two
at the same time.
> We appreciate your work very much, it's just too bad that there
obviously have been duplicate efforts.
> Back to business: you submitted translations for the stable versions
while Vahid did them for the development versions and I know he is also
working on stable translations. I think it would be best if both
versions are consistant. Can you both coordinate on that?
> Zitat von "S.M.H. Hamidi" <hamidi at ce.sharif.edu>:
>> hi list,
>> I became familiar with Horde about 2 years ago. I think I am one of the
first horde users in Iran. AFIK at least four different sources
>> myself) translated horde and some of its applications in persian but none
>> of them tried to publish them till some days ago. Most of them are used in
>> commercial products where employers don't allow you to reuse/publish your
>> work.
>> Finally, translation of Horde/Turba/Sork/IMP was defined as a
>> sub-project
>> in FarsiLinux (www.farsilinux.org) Project, a governmental project .
The FarsiLinux board approved budget about 25000$(or maybe more). It is
very high in Iran compared with other software projects.
>> I'm in doubt that if any of these translations are outputs of that project
>> or not. Also I can state many things about reasons of that delay and
reasons of such precedence. But I prefer to mention it in my persian
>> for my compatriots:
>> http://hamidi.persianblog.com/1383_6_hamidi_archive.html#2368613
>>> Zitat von Seyyed Mehdi Sheikhalishahi <alishahi at amnafzar.com>:
>>>> Hello Group
>>>> I translate Horde and IMP to persian language. The translation file is
>> attached.
>>> It has taken something like five years until someone created a Persian
>> translation, and now we get two of them within a few days? :-)
>>> I guess you guys sort this out with each other.
> Jan.
> --
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