[dev] Re: [cvs] commit: hordeweb/papers papers.html hordeweb main.html

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Sep 14 12:26:12 PDT 2004

Quoting Marko Djukic <mdjukic at horde.org>:

>> Please make sure that old links work (are redirected, whatever), as 
>> much asis
>> reasonable at least; I don't want us having bookmarked links or 
>> cached search
>> results resulting in 404s all over. If you can look at the logs and say with
>> confidence that there's not a significant number, that's okay too.
> Logs, you mean the weblogs?


> I've only changed the locations of about.php and /horde/team. Should 
> I put back in some placeholder redirect files?

That's what I'm asking you to check, if it's a significant number of hits to
those old locations or not.

> Or are we better off putting an .htaccess config to redirect to a 
> not-found/site map page?  Something like:
> ErrorDocument 404 /sitemap.php

No, I'd go with placeholders (PHP redirects, really) instead, for mirror
support, for going directly to what they wanted, etc.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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