[dev] Serious problem with Ansel and possibly datatree (no, it's not datatree)

Roel Gloudemans roel at gloudemans.info
Mon Sep 20 09:19:50 PDT 2004

It's fixed.


> Sure enough, images weren't being deleted properly.  Try what I just
> committed.
> I don't think we need to try to delete the base directory, since the storage
> structure is a hash.  There will certainly be another image that will go into
> that bucket.
> --Ben
> Quoting Roel Gloudemans <roel at gloudemans.info>:
>>> Okay, this is useful, especially knowing you use SQL VFS. Two steps
>>> from here:
>>> - Log the queries sent to your SQL server when you delete that image (VFS
>>> doesn't have logging support currently, which is why you need to do
>>> it on the
>>> server end, but I'll try and work on that).
>> Well, looking at the delete method used in Ansel (quote from
>> lib/Gallery.php):
>> function delete()
>> {
>>      // Delete files from VFS.
>>      $this->_vfs->deleteFolder('.horde/ansel', substr($this->getId(),
>> -2), true);
>>      // Remove from DataTree backend.
>>      $this->_imageOb->removeImage($this);
>> }
>> I can imagine why this happens. All images are in the same directory.
>> Looking at
>> the code to delete images you'd suspect that there should be one image per
>> directory. (Which is not the case)
>> With the current setup the delete code should be like:
>> /**
>>   * Removes this image from the VFS and DataTree backends.
>>   */
>> function delete()
>> {
>>      // Get the filenames
>>      $fullname   = $this->getVFSName('full');
>>      $screenname = $this->getVFSName('screen');
>>      $basepath   = '.horde/ansel/' . substr($this->getId(), -2);
>>      // Delete files from VFS.
>>      $this->_vfs->deleteFile($basepath . '/screen', $screenname);
>>      $this->_vfs->deleteFile($basepath . '/thumb', $screenname);
>>      $this->_vfs->deleteFile($basepath . '/full', $fullname);
>>      // Delete folder if no more images left
>>      if (count($this->_vfs->listFolder($basepath . '/full') == 0) {
>>          $this->_vfs->deleteFolder($basepath, true);
>>      }
>>      // Remove from DataTree backend.
>>      $this->_imageOb->removeImage($this);
>> }
>> Darn, I think I solved it :-) (pleeeeeeaaaaaase say that I'm correct ;-) )
>> Cheers,
>> Roel.
>> (PS. Patch attached)

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