[dev] Sorting, throughout Horde

Joaquim Homrighausen joho at webbplatsen.se
Wed Sep 29 01:12:15 PDT 2004

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

>> Am I making any sense? :-)
> No, we are *not* going to support different locales for different locale
> categories.

I was suggesting *one additional* locale for *all* categories and settings and
situations, except language.

Language has nothing to do with "locale", nor does it have anything to do with
where in the world the user is located, nor does it have anything to do with
currencies, date and time formats, and the likes.

Am I missing the difficulty in implementing a "user locale"? Surely, having it
default to the language locale if it's not set would allow an almost
transparent implementation of it?


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