[dev] own module to horde framework...

Robin Walser walser at datapark.ch
Wed Oct 20 01:38:21 PDT 2004

Hi Duck,
 > I have an postfix/mysql/cyrus installation to. But I handle password changing 
 > direct with existing horde passwd module (composit backand). What are the 
 > benefits of your module comparing to Horde one?
 I know, but I had problems including the module.... The mailinglist wasn't able to answer my questions... So I said I'll make it by myself... benefits ? ... I works correctly ;-)... I had no time to look at the code, so I made it by myself.... I used passwd version 2.2.x afaik... But I wasn't able to run it with my horde installation.... no I made one... but how do I include the Horde Authentication library ???

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