[dev] How to run two versions of horde simultaneously.

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Mon Oct 25 05:06:48 PDT 2004

Quoting Ben Chavet <ben at chavet.net>:

> The way I do it is I have a directory structure like so:
> /var/www/html
>               /horde
>               /pear
>               /vfs
> /var/www/mail
>               /horde
>               /pear
>               /vfs
> So, horde lives in the /horde directory.  The framework packages that
> match the
> horde version live in /pear.  And my VFS is in /vfs.  Apache uses
> /horde as the
> root directory, so the others are only accessible through php calls.  And, in
> horde/lib/core.php, I set my include_path to check /pear first.
> I also have separate postgres databases for each installation.
> It works great for me.  Hope that helps.

Tremendously, Ben, Thanks.  You also made me remember that my vfs that would
have been shared.  This with .htaccess, if needed, should solve any problem
that a person could have with multiple installations.

Thanks for throwing me a lifesaver.  I was drowning in a glass of water, yet


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