[dev] Think I've figured out 'missing left menu' issue ...

Marc G. Fournier scrappy at hub.org
Tue Oct 26 12:33:49 PDT 2004

Not sure if this can be coded around or not, but, it looks like if a 
person doesn't have a mailbox, the left menu doesn't get created ...

For instance ... my 'admin user' doesn't have a physical mailbox, altho he 
can create cyrus imapd mailboxes ... left menu doesn't show up.  if I 
login as me, which does have a mailbox, left menu does show up.

I created a test 'password' (no mailbox) and it does the same thing ... no 
left menu until I physically create the cyrus mailbox to go along with it 

I *think* that it gets jam'd up trying to find out how many new messages 
are in the mailbox, to display on the left menu ... no mailbox to open, it 
just doesn't show any left menu ...

I suspect this is just under Cyrus IMAPd ... ?

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
Email: scrappy at hub.org           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

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