[dev] Dynamic sidebar menu elements not refreshing - FIXED

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Tue Nov 9 12:14:18 PST 2004

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> You don't get an error because the eval is in a try-catch-block. remove the
> try and catch parts some line below, and only keep the client.asynchGet
> call. Then you should get some errors in the JS console.

I thought of that, so I had put an "alert()" inside the catch to display the
exception. Nothing was ever displayed. Just to be sure, though, I took your
advice and removed the try and catch. Still nothing in the console.

It really looks like it's getting to the eval and never going any
further. I've looked at the code (there's a lot; I have a bunch of folders),
but don't see anything that would...wait a minute...

[Moves a bunch of folders out of his "mail" directory]

Bingo. While typing the comments above, I started looking at the javascript
again. There was a lot, because I had a slew of old folders (from back when I
used Netscape Messenger for email; I had copied the folders into my "mail"
directory to see if I could copy the messages I wanted to save, and IMP just
worked with them). Just for the fun of it, I moved all of those legacy folders
out of the mail directory et voila; the sidebar is updating now.

I'm not sure whether there was a certain folder (name, maybe?) that was hanging
it up, or if it was timing out because of the huge number of folders, or what
was happening; maybe in the future I'll take the time to find out. But for
now, everything's working again.

Thanks to everybody who took the time to help,
Rick Emery

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  with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there
  you will always long to return"
                                               -- Leonardo Da Vinci

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