[dev] Re: Re: Fatal error: Undefined class name 'pear'

Aurelien Bompard gauret at free.fr
Fri Nov 19 14:23:14 PST 2004

>> Do I need the latest version of these packages for Horde ?
> No, these should be fine.

OK, I've upgraded to the latest versions anyway, and I still get the same
errors (all of them).

Looking at the code, it seems to happen when the PEAR::raiseError function
is used. By looking at PEAR's code (in PEAR.php), the only place where I
see "pear" in lowercase is in the consctructor.
Let me take a wild guess: could the error comme from the fact that the PEAR
class has no instance when raiseError is used ? (this is my first peek at
horde's and pear's code, and I don't know much about php's class model, so
it's probably far off...)

Any clue ?

http://gauret.free.fr   ~~~~   Jabber : gauret at amessage.info
"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build
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bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." -- Rich Cook

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