[dev] Re: Fatal error: Undefined class name 'pear'

Aurelien Bompard gauret at free.fr
Sat Nov 20 00:44:12 PST 2004

Thanks Chuck

> All of these indicate deeper errors in your configuration, but nonetheless
> the undefined class name error won't happen with RC2 and beyond.

I've traced the error, it happens because lib/Horde/Auth/Signup.php calls
Horde::callHook('_horde_hook_signup_getextra'), but this hook does not
exist since I don't have the hooks.php file in config (INSTALL recommended
to delete it if it was not used). Thus, in the callHook function in
lib/Horde.php at line 1333, PEAR::raiseError is called.

Anyway, thanks for fixing the Fatal error.


http://gauret.free.fr   ~~~~   Jabber : gauret at amessage.info
There are only 10 types of people in the world :
those who understand binary and those who don't.

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