[dev] rt-mailgate problems

Luiz Henrique Ozaki luiz at eaprender.com.br
Fri Jan 7 02:40:54 PST 2005

Im using pgsql alias map with postfix and I doesnt execute that 
rt-mailgate command when a mail arrives to that alias.

How can I make it working using pgsql alias map ?

Here goes the sql data.

       address       |                                             
goto                                              |  domain  
|            created            |           modified            | active
 rt at ibep.net         | |/usr/local/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general 
--action correspond --url http://localhost/   | ibep.net | 2005-01-04 
11:42:57.176243-02 | 2005-01-04 11:42:57.176243-02 | t
 rt-comment at ibep.net | "|/usr/local/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue general 
--action correspond --url http://localhost/" | ibep.net | 2005-01-04 
11:42:57.176243-02 | 2005-01-04 11:42:57.176243-02 | t


Luiz Henrique Ozaki <luiz at eaprender.com.br>

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