[dev] Spacing between menu <div> and content

Roel Gloudemans roel at gloudemans.info
Sun Feb 6 10:11:28 PST 2005

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

>> By the way, the image in the original post contains the top level 
>> giapeto pages (works great for a community site). Would that be a 
>> useful addition to have (as a global configurable item)? If so, I'll 
>> create a patch (giapeto already has the api calls to do this)
> Say more - I'm not entirely sure what you're suggesting.

The proposal:
Add another option to conf.php. Setting this option results in the fact 
that the Horde portal menu is expanded with the top-level giapeto 
pages. We'll show these top-level pages outside the Horde tree (as 
could be seen in the image).

I use this myself in a site I'm creating for a club. When logged in, 
users still see the website main menu and the Horde tree with selected 
modules. (phpNuke, or something like it, would probably a better choice 
to use, but hey, I'm Horde addicted)

On the technical side: This can be realized by adding some code to 
templates/portal/sidebar.inc (I know; i know, I should use Horde 
classes to generate the URL's, but it's just a test)

The code I added just after <div id="sidebarPanel">
  <ul class="mainlist">
    if ($registry->hasMethod('cms/listPages')) {
	  $pages = $registry->call('cms/listPages', array());

	  /* We are looking for all pages starting with ..; but not .. .. */
	  foreach($pages as $pageid => $pagename) {
	    if (ereg("^\.\.\ [a-zA-Z]", $pagename)) {
          echo '<li class="mainmenu" name="' . $pageid . '" id="' . 
$pageid . '"><a class="mainlink" 
href="../../giapeto/pages.php?page_id=' . 
$registry->call('cms/getPageUrl',array($pageid)) . '" 
target="horde_main" onmouseout="window.status=\'\'; DeSelectMain(\'' . 
$pageid . '\');" onmouseover="window.status=\'Open pagina\'; 
SelectMain(\'' . $pageid . '\'); return true;">' . substr($pagename,3) 
. '</a>';
        }       }

It's probalby best to add another api call to Giapeto returning only 
the top-level pages.

(I have one little problem with this code; it causes the menu to 
collapse on reload. Any ideas?)

What dd'ya think?


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