[dev] [cyb@debian.org: Bug#293575: horde2: Never ending MySQL connections]

Ola Lundqvist opal at debian.org
Mon Feb 7 13:10:25 PST 2005


Forwarding this bug report to you. Is this a feature or a bug?


// Ola

----- Forwarded message from Cyril Bouthors <cyb at debian.org> -----

Envelope-to: ola at opal.dhs.org
Delivery-date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 14:53:29 +0100
Subject: Bug#293575: horde2: Never ending MySQL connections
Reply-To: Cyril Bouthors <cyb at debian.org>, 293575 at bugs.debian.org
Resent-From: Cyril Bouthors <cyb at debian.org>
Original-Sender: Cyril Bouthors <cyb at bouthors.org>
Resent-To: debian-bugs-dist at lists.debian.org
Resent-CC: Cyril Bouthors <cyb at debian.org>, Ola Lundqvist <opal at debian.org>
Resent-Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 13:48:02 UTC
Resent-Message-ID: <handler.293575.B.110752399113274 at bugs.debian.org>
X-Debian-PR-Message: report 293575
X-Debian-PR-Package: horde2
From: Cyril Bouthors <cyb at debian.org>
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Resent-Date: Fri, 04 Feb 2005 14:53:29 +0100

Package: horde2
Version: 2.2.7-3
Severity: normal

Here's the "show processlist" output of the MySQL server I'm using to
run horde2:

| Id     | User     | Host            | db      | Command | Time | State | Info             |
| 766583 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 2955 |       |                  |
| 766661 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 2072 |       |                  |
| 766745 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 925  |       |                  |
| 766750 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 1898 |       |                  |
| 766942 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 1604 |       |                  |
| 766943 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 1604 |       |                  |
| 766945 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 1602 |       |                  |
| 767389 | hordemgr | localhost       | horde2  | Sleep   | 944  |       |                  |
| 767939 | root     | localhost:47105 |         | Query   | 0    |       | show processlist |

As you can see, there are many idle and useless connections from
`hordemgr' lasting for up to over 45 minutes.

I've looked at the configurations files but I can't see anything
related to persistent MySQL connections so I guess this is a bug. In
this case, I want this to be fixed.

On the over hand, if I'm wrong and if this is a feature, I'd like to
find a nice and implicit way to avoid it in the configuration files.


-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
  APT prefers unstable
  APT policy: (500, 'unstable')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.6.9-2-686
Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8)

Versions of packages horde2 depends on:
ii  apache [httpd]                1.3.33-3   versatile, high-performance HTTP s
ii  apache-ssl [httpd]            1.3.33-3   versatile, high-performance HTTP s
ii  apache2                       2.0.52-3   Next generation, scalable, extenda
ii  apache2-mpm-prefork [httpd]   2.0.52-3   Traditional model for Apache2
ii  binutils                      2.15-5     The GNU assembler, linker and bina
ii  debconf                       1.4.42     Debian configuration management sy
ii  gettext                       0.14.1-10  GNU Internationalization utilities
ii  libapache-mod-php4 [phpapi-20 4:4.3.10-2 server-side, HTML-embedded scripti
ii  logrotate                     3.7-2      Log rotation utility
ii  make                          3.80-9     The GNU version of the "make" util
ii  perl                          5.8.4-6    Larry Wall's Practical Extraction
ii  php4                          4:4.3.10-2 server-side, HTML-embedded scripti
ii  php4-cgi [phpapi-20020918]    4:4.3.10-2 server-side, HTML-embedded scripti
ii  php4-cli [phpapi-20020918]    4:4.3.10-2 command-line interpreter for the p
ii  php4-pear                     4:4.3.10-2 PEAR - PHP Extension and Applicati
ii  php4-pear-log                 1.6.0-1.1  Log module for PEAR
ii  wwwconfig-common              0.0.42     Debian web auto configuration

-- debconf information:
* horde2/welcome:
* horde2/databasemgr_port: 3306
* horde2/databasemgr_server: localhost
* horde2/dbmyadmin: root
* horde2/webserver_type: Apache
* horde2/database_user: hordemgr
* horde2/databasemgr_type: MySQL
* horde2/database_name: horde2
  horde2/dbpgadmin: postgres
Cyril Bouthors

----- End forwarded message -----

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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