[dev] Re: Special characters in fullname

Roel Gloudemans roel at gloudemans.info
Tue Feb 22 06:00:33 PST 2005

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Roel Gloudemans <roel at gloudemans.info>:
>>>> Is this a simple case of adding a php htmlspecialchars at the right
>>>> places, or are those special characters e.g. violation some mail RFC
>>>> (hence the should not even appear in a fullname)
>>> It should work out of the box if you have the required PHP extensions
>>> installed and use a charset that your server supports.
>> You're right. It seems to work when I create a fullname with the
>> special characters using the Horde options interface. In the horde
>> installation the fullname is gotten from an Active Directory using a
>> hook. I suspect now it has something to so with the character set used
>> bij Windows, ANSI probably whereas Horde is ISO. Any ideas to how to
>> handle this?
> Convert the string in the hook with String::convertCharset() to
> NLS::getCharset().

Iv'e added 
String::convertCharset($fullname,'CP1251',NLS::getCharset()); to the 
hook. I cannot control the user account, but tomorow I'm seeing a 
special char user. I'll let you (and the list) know if it works and if 
it doesn't, what does.


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