[dev] Re: Wishing to start an active contribution to horde

Joel Vandal jvandal at infoteck.qc.ca
Tue Apr 12 09:40:34 PDT 2005

>> I also have a patch for Gollem Shared support but not updated to latest 
>> cvs
>> gollem version.  Not enought time to do this since I work full time on a
>> server management system using Horde (to manage VPN, Samba, Asterisk, 
>> etc...
>> servers)
> Contributions would be great... hint, hint. ;)

I know :) the patch that I have for Gollem run with an ~12 months old CVS 
release and run on a server with 25,000 accounts.  Need a lot of work change 
to use all backend and to be functionnal with current cvs.

For all others modules, they strictly use horde framework library and I dont 
think that all these modules will be release as open source.

But, I have a lot of custom Form UI and others "widget" that can be useful 
like IPv4/v6 (+subnet+port+etc...), MacAddr (xx:xx:xx:...) and a 
"multienum+sorter" combo.

I've not be very active "contributor" since the last year but I hope to be 
able to send some "clean" patches to be conform with all differents licenses 
used in Horde because Horde Framework will be used in a commercial 
applicance so I dont want to be in violation with license and make some 
enemies in open source community :D

Joel Vandal 

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