[dev] Problem with text formating

Didi Rieder adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
Mon May 2 13:52:15 PDT 2005


I noticed the following problem with the formating of text sent by IMP (cvs):

If I type a line of text ending with ". \n" (period blank newline), the 
message is formated in a way that the newline is ignored and lines 
following this special line will be moved up to the same line.


1 This is a problem test line. 2 This should be on the next line.
3 end

Quoted text:
"1 This is a problem test line. "
"2 This should be on the next line."
"3 end"


Didi Rieder
adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at
PGPKey ID: 3431D0B0

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