[dev] tovCard() inconsistency in turba

Frank Rosquin frank.rosquin at gmail.com
Wed May 4 16:27:40 PDT 2005

Right, seems I was a bit too quick.
the tovCard() function is fine.
It's the mapping in turba/config/sources.php that needs tuning for vCard use...
So maybe this is best solved with some documentation on the subject :-)

My bad,


On 5/5/05, Frank Rosquin <frank.rosquin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Chuck,
> Turba maps it's own fieldnames to vCard specific fiels.
> To give a few examples:
> It maps cellPhone to TEL;TYPE=CELL:
> or homeAddress to ADR;TYPE=HOME:
> It also tries to map nickname to NICKNAME:, but turba has no nickname
> field. It does have an alias field, but this is ignored.
> It tries to map website to URL:, but turba has no website field,
> and it tries to map birthday to BDAY:. but again, turba has mo birthday field.
> In the case it tries to map non-existent fields, I can see possible
> future turba fields, but wouldn't it make more sence to map alias to
> NICKNAME: for example?
> It also tries to map the ADR field to the vCard format, which has
> separate fields for address, city, country, ... Turba doesn't have
> this (yet?), so the mapping ends up in a bit odd way in the vcard. It
> works though :-)
> So looking at the current state, I was wondering if we could:
> 1) change the mappings like alias > NICKNAME:
> 2) maybe I'll look into adding some extra fields to turba...
> Frank

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