[dev] Fwd: Re: Google's Summer of Code - Interested in Search and CRM projects.

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jun 6 13:57:45 PDT 2005

Quoting Ciro Duran <ciro.duran at gmail.com>:

> Isn't this the objective of the Horde Portal?. I admit I haven't used
> too much this Portal ability (I've currently installed IMP only), but
> there is quite some functionaly in these blocks... I haven't seen,
> though, a "template" for the Layout so, let's say, an administrator
> can create a standard Layout for all the users there, and all they
> have to do is "load" the layout.

Right. I'm talking about building a better, more complete portal, 
complete with the ability for the portal to build pieces of itself.

> The tabs are an interesting idea, but implementing them as javascript
> links, just like the configuration screen. And that would take a good
> deal of programming and debugging, not only for that screen, but to
> adapt all the APIs required in order to make it work.


> If the Portal is one of the heaviest pages in Horde; wouldn't be cool
> to optimize this page loading first? If the basic functionality for
> making a CRM mode is there, I think it's more efficient to start from
> there.

That's a possiblity, sure. The main overhead is because the portal can 
access pretty much any Horde application. A one-block portal isn't 
heavy. It's when you're loading IMP, Kronolith, Nag, Mnemo, Turba, etc. 
all in one page.

> I haven't check out the Portal code yet. Is there any document you
> have written specifying why was it created or how is it done?

Not really, that's what we're here for. Also the code and 


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