[dev] Becoming a Horde developer and some other stuff

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jul 4 20:04:11 PDT 2005

Quoting Ed Martin <edman007x at mac.com>:

> well i'm interested in doing some developing  for Horde, is there
> anything i should know/do before i just start looking at the bugs in
> the bug tracker and trying to fix them?

Well... probably, yes? :) Like PHP, but I'm guessing that's not the 
place you're asking the question from. You should be on the cvs list if 
you're not. You should read horde/docs/CODING_STANDARDS. Other than 
that, send patches (or post them to bug reports), and learn as you go...

> right now i'm just trying to get it installed and running with everything it

A good start. :)

> wants  using the cvs version of horde, i think i'm going to make sure 
> my server has everything except probably postgreSQL, or should i 
> install that too?

If you're going to use it, sure. No need to have multiple databases if 
you're not going to test them all.

> also when i first tried the test.php, i got a fatal error saying that
> (paraphrasing) "you can only pass a variable by reference"  so i went
> to the file and did a quick fix for that and then made a patch for it,

- this was already posted.
- I'm holding out for this to be fixed in 5.1 before release, per 
discussion on the internals list.


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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