[dev] [cvs] commit: horde/config prefs.php.dist framework/Horde Horde.php framework/Horde/Horde Registry.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Oct 1 20:56:50 PDT 2005

Quoting Marko Djukic <mdjukic at horde.org>:

>  Log:
>  Add a display mode setting in prefs, eg. to be able to specify using 
> only basic HTML and hence disabling JS/DOM.
>  Add a displayModeOverride() function to Horde:: which will check 
> current display mode and subsequently disable the automatically 
> detected features by Browser::
>  Call the override in the registry, just after the loading of the prefs.

I've discussed this with Marko a bit already, but for everyone: I 
disagree with this angle of implementation. I don't think that users 
should have to choose a preference for "display mode"; I think that we 
should detect the user's current browser (using js and storing the 
result in the session if necessary) and degrade everything as 
gracefully as possible (using <noscript>, php-side ifs, etc.).

Oh, duh: noscript. Marko, that's an even easier way to do the check - 
set an extra form var in a <noscript> tag. Though, same problem for 
guest users that we already talked about.

Anyway, what do folks think about the preference vs. automatic 
question? I think that users shouldn't have to set a permanent 
preference and then change it if they changes browsers, I think we 
should adapt to whatever browser is in use and  give them the richest 
possible UI. Thoughts?


"But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy." - John 
Quincy Adams

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