[dev] New giapeto block

Roel Gloudemans roel at gloudemans.info
Sun Dec 18 05:30:40 PST 2005

Hmmmmmm, something is bubbling in my mind just below the surface so I 
can't grab it.

Blocks are used on the portal page and in Giapeto. But what is Giapeto? 
It's just a structured collection of text blocks augmented with some 
dynamic content provided by the Blocks.  Actually it is not much 
different from the portal page. The portal page just lacks some 
navigation structure and access to giapeto's text blocks.

This could be a nice setup for Horde 4. Something like Giapeto becomes 
the root. Users can then build their own portal by creating their own 
naviagation structure and create pages to which they add only the 
blocks they need. In this way every user can create their own Horde 
with only the functionality they need. (Combine it with some Ajax code 
to let you actually drag your page together and you really have a 
killer app.)

But back to the current situation. I see Blocks as plugins for the 
various apps. Therefore it would be only logical to make installing and 
(de)activating possible via the administrative interface (maybe using 
the same mechanism as the ftp'ing of the conf.php files). And indeed; 
all blocks should be moved from various the lib/Block locations to one 
central location. (We may even speed up Horde a bit in the process, 
since those directories don't have to be checked anymore).

Application and version dependencies should noted in the header of the 
block. And a Block should be just one file (from the top of my head all 
of them are at the moment). Maybe we should also think of a better 
name. When I think Block, I think brick and that something to throw 
trough a Window (take that Bill ;-) )


Quoting "Kevin M. Myer" <kevin_myer at iu13.org>:

> Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:
>> Maybe put this up on the wiki? It'd be great if someone had some
>> inspiration for coming up with an independant Block installer so we
>> could distribute them seperately. :)
> Plum out of inspiration at the moment, but how about something similar
> to the framework distribution currently?  Each Block would come inside
> its own directly, there would be a master script that could be used to
> install Blocks, installing everything with no arguments, or the Blocks
> you specify with -b.  I see issues needing to be resolved as:
> 1) What application does the Block get installed under?  Maybe tag each
> Block inside with an app name?
> 2) Version control and dependencies (within Horde apps).  Say you need
> Horde 3.1 and IMP 4.1 - don't let the user install if those
> prerequisites aren't met.
> Or maybe handle it with the equivalent of a package.xml for each block,
> that lists prequisites and the app its associated with.
> Kevin
> --
> Kevin M. Myer
> Senior Systems Administrator
> Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org
> --
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