[dev] DIMP not displaying right "frame"

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Mon Feb 27 12:54:37 PST 2006

Hello Chuck,

Monday, February 27, 2006, 10:50:01 PM, you wrote:

> Quoting Vilius ?umskas <vilius at lnk.lt>:

>>   is it only me or DIMP does not display content in the right "frame"? I get
>>   404 errors when I click on any folder on the left.

> It's you.

I tried with 4 different browsers so it must be server configuration

Are there any specific web server configuration instructions? Or
maybe ideas what to look for?

> Also, DIMP is still alpha. You're welcome to play with it, but any
> discussion should be on the developers list, not the general Horde list.

Ok, replying to dev list.

Best regards,

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