[dev] currencies and taxes

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Apr 18 10:00:45 PDT 2006

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

>> I haven't tested it, but I did a quick check through the code and it
>> looks fine. It needs a new name, and I'd still like to see it be a
>> block-like application, something smaller and easily installable by
>> just dropping it in place. And if we're really going all
>> future-forward with it, it should use RDO. But those are all wishlist
>> type things.
> Any example API for this two?

For the first, no - that's all just musing in my head for now. Ideas  
welcome. For RDO, there's the phpdoc (see the RDO package at  
http://dev.horde.org/api/framework/), and  
http://cvs.horde.org/framework/RDO/docs/examples/ should give you a  


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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