[dev] Fwd: Proposal for changes to Vilma

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Sat Jul 8 08:22:29 PDT 2006

On Jul 8, 2006, at 8:08 AM, Jan Schneider wrote:

>> Longer term I would like to investigate merging any remaining
>> unimplemented functionality from Vacation and Forwards into Vilma.  I
>> have not yet looked at what that will involve.
> For admins, makes sense. For users, we still need to move that  
> functionality into Ingo.

Which means that one of the two modules should make an API call to  
the other.  Which begs the question, which gets the functionality and  
which gets to make the call?  I think that the functionality is more  
at home in Vilma since its purpose is to manage account information.   
Then Ingo could make an API call into Vilma to take care of commiting  
the modification.  Does that sound right?

Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks
ben at alkaloid.net

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