[dev] Groo status report: on the deadline

Luciano Ramalho luciano at ramalho.org
Mon Aug 21 07:59:27 PDT 2006


In the past few days I did a major reestructuring of Groo to enable me 
to better use the Horde infrastructure.

Basically I got the latest Mnemo tarball, threw away a lot of stuff, did 
several wholesale search-and-replaces, and then started grafting the old 
Groo code where it's needed. Functionally, the new Groo is close to the 
old Groo in the demo site, but it is now much better set to evolve 
leveraging Horde.

For instance, the mechanism for sharing books is now based on Horde 
shares, instead of using a homemade solution I was cooking.


Basically Groo always had the concept of a Book (i.e. "PHP in a 
Nutshell", ISBN: 0596100671) and the concept of an Item (my exemplar of 
PHP in a Nutshell).

So Groo has a public database of books, and private collections of 
items, which are the user's personal book collections. Each collection 
is a share.


Besides the code in the CVS, I've written a few pages about Groo in the 
Horde wiki. The place to start is here:


And I've added a list of the projects accepted by Horde for the 2006 
Summer of Code here:



I could not do all I had planned initially, but I intend to keep working 
on Groo until it enables http://WanderingBooks.org to do it's job: to 
enable people to  share their books with friends and colleagues in a 
safe and easy way.

I'd like to congratulate the Horde community for the fantastic job you 
are doing with this really well-built industrial-strength framework.

And thank all of you, especially Chuck, for helping me along, and 
supporting the Wandering Books idea.

This is not good bye, but I felt I had to say something at the close of 
the SoC deadline.



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