[dev] Pigeon Authentication

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Wed Aug 30 08:14:59 PDT 2006

On Aug 30, 2006, at 12:45 AM, Ben Chavet wrote:

> After really digging in to pigeon authentication, it seems to me  
> that using pigeon as an app to authenticate against doesn't really  
> work.  There are too many fields besides user name and password  
> required for a general LDAP connection.  Look at the current pigeon  
> CVS to see what I mean.
> If anyone can think of a good reason to continue to work on this,  
> I'm all ears.  Otherwise, I'm inclined to strip that (currently not  
> working) functionality.  Especially since we already have LDAP  
> authentication via Horde.
I agree completely.  Unless you wanted to somehow use the LDAP  
functionality within pigeon to "drive" the Horde LDAP auth (and I'm  
not saying that's a good idea), then there's no need to authenticate  
via pigeon.

> I visualize pigeon to be geared more towards an LDAP administrator,  
> or a user base who is familiar with LDAP.  Both of which would know  
> what information to put into the login form.
Sounds good to me.

> Thoughts?
> --Ben
> P.S. Pigeon is open to development by whoever is interested  
> (B.Klang?).
Yep, I've been playing with it but Vilma and Beatnik have won more  
mindshare recently.  I'll find you on IRC.

Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks
ben at alkaloid.net

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