[dev] The Chora menu change seems to break the left frame.

eculp@encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Thu Sep 21 03:42:01 PDT 2006

I just did a cvs update in my head version of horde and after updating 
horde/config/registry.php, logging off and on again, I no longer had a 
left menu but errors some of which follow:

Notice: Undefined variable: conf in /usr/local/share/pear/Horde.php on 
line 495

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in 
/usr/local/share/pear/Horde/Array.php on line 254

Notice: Undefined index: options in 
/usr/local/www/correo/chora/lib/Chora.php on line 82

Warning: constant() [function.constant]: Couldn't find constant in 
/usr/local/www/correo/chora/lib/Chora.php on line 82

Notice: Undefined index: urls in 
/usr/local/www/correo/chora/lib/Chora.php on line 285

I updated the framework but that doesn't seem to be my problem.

Commenting chora out in registry.conf is an immediate workaround.  I'm 
going to update again to be sure that I didn't update before all 
related changes were committed.



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