[dev] Quicksearch and other ajax on nag

Jason Clifton jason at citydiesel.net
Mon Nov 27 08:25:13 PST 2006

I'm integrating the quicksearch changes that have been made to the   
head version of nag, and I have some other ajax that's been added to   
the page.  The panel.inc menu updates with a javascript function   
send() see attachment (code).  I call the quickfinder behavior with   
this instead of window load

Event.observe('quicksearchL', 'click', QuickFinder.attachBehavior);

When you actually do a page refresh the javascript search works   
correctly, however if you do a refresh with the ajax the search works   
correctly but if you delete the search term too quickly it scrambles   
the table information, see link  
http://www.citydiesel.net/screencap.jpg . I think its  probably being  
caused by a javascript behavior not being attached but  I have no Idea  
what it would be.

Can anyone offer any suggestions or insights?


Jason Clifton
City Diesel
-------------- next part --------------
function send() {
var params = Form.serialize($('bs'));
new Ajax.Updater('alltask', '<?php echo Horde::selfUrl() ?>', {asynchronous:true, parameters:params, evalScripts:true, onComplete: function() { tooltips(); }, onLoading: function() { onloadingsend(); } });

function onloadingsend() {

function tooltips(){
if (typeof ToolTips == 'object') {

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