[dev] [cvs] commit: agora moderate.php agora/docs TODO agora/lib Messages.php api.php agora/po agora.pot sl_SI.po

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Mar 26 14:45:15 UTC 2007

Zitat von duck <duck at obala.net>:

> Jan Schneider wrote:
>> Text2html does much more than linebreaks, e.g. linking urls and email
>> addresses.
> I experience problems using them together. For example if bbcode is
> called before text2html, text2html passed html crated with bbode with
> htmlscpecialchars. On the other side of bbcode is called after, it does
> double linking ex [url]link[/url] becomes <a href=”link”><a
> href=”link”>link</a></a>.

I personally don't like bbcode at all and don't want to require people  
to use [url] tags, or any tag for what it's worse. It should at least  
be an configuration setting, the correct rule could even be  
automatically detected by looking for bbcode tags upfront.
And please note that the bbcode filter doesn't escape any output by  
default, I didn't look at the code whether you enabled escaping.


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