[dev] Proposal for Resource booking extension for Kronolith

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Apr 20 19:17:05 UTC 2007

Quoting Stephane Pointu <stephane.pointu at purplelabs.com>:

>> Why don't you "userless admin shares" like proposed by Chuck?
> We missed this part. So to make sure we well understood, what is needed
> here is just an interface to create these shares? Then for the rest of
> the resources booking, we can do as we suggested but using the shares?

Right, well you use "resources", which internally are managed in terms  
of permissions, etc. by being shares.

> Where would you suggest the creation of these shares? In the
> Administration section?

I think they should be creatable by any user ideally.

Also I think that you'll want an option for an autocomplete box for  
adding resources, because a list of all available resources might get  
really really long.


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