[dev] resources calendars in Kronolith

Gunnar Wrobel p at rdus.de
Mon May 7 21:39:28 UTC 2007

Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> writes:

> Quoting Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>:
>> I guess this refers to the default share id since the default shares
>> are identified as 'user at example.org'. But this is just the ID of the
>> share and is not linked to the 'owner' of the share (though the owner
>> of such a default share will usually be same as specified in the id).
> The default share name is the user's username - which may be an email  
> address, but doesn't have to be.

Oh, right. I have been to Kolab-centric again :)

____ http://www.pardus.de _________________ http://gunnarwrobel.de _

E-mail : p at rdus.de                                 Dr. Gunnar Wrobel
Tel.   : +49 40 432 72335                      Hartwig-Hesse Str. 12
Fax    : +49 40 432 70855                            D-20257 Hamburg
   >> Mail at ease - Rent a kolab groupware server at p at rdus <<                 

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