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Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sun May 27 13:58:49 UTC 2007

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

>> Exactly - same thing as I might want to see only some of my tasklists
>> on my calendar. Right now the tasklists that show up on the calendar
>> are affected by my display choices in Nag - not good.
> This still could be done by a thing like Whups' listTimeCategories().

That's a possibility, but it doesn't really offer the flexibility that  
individually defined .ics calendars do. For example, what if I only  
wanted to see tickets from a specific queue on the calendar? And in  
Nag, the options are by tasklist, by completed/future/incomplete/all,  
and any combination of those (you could throw in category too, perhaps).

Thinking about this it seems like we need an internal calendar  
browser, not just a select box. "What do you want on your calendar: "  
... list of applications, then each application can describe its  
time-object-like-things in a way appropriate for that application.


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