[dev] how to use a date picker in date fields of horde forms?

Kurt Sager (SWS) ksager at sws.ch
Fri Jun 15 19:16:07 UTC 2007

Thanks Chuck.

Where can I read some documentation describing all existing form types?
Does monthdayyear type allow parametrization to return european dates dd.mm.yyyy ?


Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
> Quoting "Kurt Sager (SWS)" <ksager at sws.ch>:
>> (Based on a tip from Jan Schneider I tried the date type 'monthdayyear'.
>> This produces an endless CPU bound loop on process php-cgi.exe on the
>> Win2K3 server, to be aborted ...)
> monthdayyear is the form type that includes a date picker. You need to  
> figure out why it's looping - it works fine (including under windows)  
> on hundreds (at least) of other Horde installs.
> -chuck

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