[dev] Video and uploadprogress

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Aug 30 16:41:28 UTC 2007

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

> I need a more dedicated module, with editorials confirming uploads and so on.
> I guess, I will start a new module by my own, helped with this guy who wrote
> Watson. I will look to make it available public (in the incubator).

Yeah, I can certainly see that as a separate use case.

> I don't use/like Ansel. It does not perform well with my 75k galleries and
> 2.6M photos of my users.

Even after datatree was mostly taken out of the picture? I'd love to  
see it handle that sort of install, so any pointers on where the  
bottlenecks are are welcome...

> For the upload progress hooks, I will be glad to sponsor a bounty :)

Cool. :) Note that it'll require PHP 5.2+ or a compatible extension to  
read the progress.


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