[dev] Table names in Ansel

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri Sep 7 14:38:24 UTC 2007

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> there is a table name inconsistency in Ansel. The tags reference table
> is called ansel_images_tags, but the attributes table is called
> ansel_image_attributes. Not that we are consistently using singular or
> plural across all application, but we should at least stick to one
> inside a single app. The same  applies to Whups with
> whups_tickets_listeners and whups_ticket_owners.

In Ansel, that was on purpose, and while I don't think we have a  
formal standard for this, here's the rationale: ansel_image_attributes  
stores attributes for images, but it's not a join table _between_  
images and attributes; it stores "image attributes" - only one plural  
needed. ansel_images_tags is a join table between images and tags -  
both are plural.

That doesn't seem to be the case in whups; looks to me like it should  
be whups_ticket_listeners.


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