[dev] IMP and html2text filter called from lib/MIME/Viewer/plain.php

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Nov 17 02:56:49 UTC 2007

Quoting Chris Stromsoe <cbs at cts.ucla.edu>:

> I'm noticing horrible load times for messages large plain text attachments
> that have long lines.  I'm displaying them in-line.  The plain viewer
> calls html2text with parselevel set to TEXT_HTML_MICRO.  The regular
> expression to convert the text links to is chewing CPU (> 100s display
> time for a 30 line 400k attachment).

But not when the lines aren't long? Interesting. Wonder if we can come  
up with a clever way to normalize how much text we look at, perhaps  
using wordwrap or strpos... would you create a ticket on  
http://bugs.horde.org/, including a sample message if you can?

> Is there any downside to changing TEXT_HTML_MICRO to TEXT_HTML_NOHTML in
> imp/lib/MIME/Viewer/plain.php ?  Mostly I'm concerned about side-affects
> other than not turning URLs into links in plain-text attachments, which is
> acceptable.

There should be no other side effects.


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