[dev] [cvs] commit: horde/config nls.php.dist

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Sun Nov 18 16:12:47 UTC 2007

Zitat von Matt Selsky <selsky at columbia.edu>:

> On Nov 17, 2007, at 12:56 PM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>> Quoting Matt Selsky <selsky at columbia.edu>:
>>> selsky      2007-11-17 13:58:18 EST
>>>   Modified files:
>>>     config               nls.php.dist
>>>   Log:
>>>   Use country names for English dialects.
>> Are we going to change Chinese traditional and simplified then too,
>> and rename the whole thing to Locale: instead of Language: ? Then what
>> about people who live in a certain locale but don't want that locale's
>> language? The more I think about this the more it seems like an
>> endless road with no real purpose other than perhaps political
>> correctness.
> But we already do this with Arabic, for example.

As I said, it's not that easy. With Arabic, distinguishing between  
countries is common sense, but not with all languages.


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