[dev] Horde website, PHP 5.3, the future (was Re: Oscar status)

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Nov 26 03:41:01 UTC 2007

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

> On Monday 22 of October 2007 06:44:28 Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>> I agree. I have a number of todos and saved example sites for
>> improving the developer-oriented aspects of www.horde.org and/or
>> dev.horde.org, which should include promoting incubator apps as well.
> If you need help....

I need tons of help. :)

Two fronts come to mind. One is the website. See  
http://dev.horde.org/routes/ for the kind of thing I'd like to see a  
ton more of. I'd like to see docs like this for all of our packages,  
and to migrate some of the wiki documentation to be more integrated  
with the website as well. Making docs for more packages is one  
straightforward way. I can do new logos to match the above design  
easily, just given some content. :)

Another is our dev tools. I just created some new tickets in the whups  
queue on bugs.horde.org. Things like direct queue access and queue  
feeds would be useful and give us a better web presence - and again,  
work on integrating more content into our main website instead of  
hiding it inside the bugtracker, etc.

>> We're in an interesting position here in that the future of Horde 4
>> development (which is essentially what the incubator stuff is) is PHP
>> 5.3+, but there's a bunch of PHP 5.2 code now that runs well and that
>> you at least are using in production. I don't know if there's an ETA
>> on PHP 5.3.0 yet, but how do you feel about the newer code moving that
>> way?
> 5.3 is estimated for 1Q of 2008. A Half year is a little bit long, counting
> additional first bugs and 5.3.1. But as I am running my apps mainly on my
> servers managing modules in this way would be an big issue. But I will really
> like to see 5.3 stable before forcing its features.

Did you mean that it wouldn't be a big issue, since you run your own server?


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