[dev] Ansel Galleries / Shares

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Nov 26 20:39:44 UTC 2007

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

>> > Why not move it of DT and implement gallery permissions?
>> We would lose the tight integration with the other groupware apps, the
>> permissions interface is only available to admins, and we need the
>> hierarchical data that's stored in the share system along with the
>> perms.
>> What we decided on is to eventually (attempt to) move the gallery
>> _data_ out of the DT/Share....keeping the shares for the hierarchical
>> relationships and permissions for now.  Eventually either Shares will
>> move out of the DT, or we will try a different share architecture.
> OTOH this in contradictory with Horde4 ideas of moving things out of DT.

Only if you assume that Shares are forever tied to the datatree -  
which they're not. We want to move them out of DT in Horde 4, which  
should essentially take care of this.

> understand. Unfortunately this make Ansel useless for sites with really a lot
> of galleries (like mine :), 80k). I will wait that some thing is found out,
> then I will be glad to contribute in Ansel development.

I'd be glad to see you contribute too. :)


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