[dev] [cvs] commit: agora/lib Messages.php

Duck duck at obala.net
Tue Jan 8 13:31:08 UTC 2008

On Monday 07 of January 2008 22:32:13 Michael Rubinsky wrote:
> mrubinsk    2008-01-07 16:32:13 EST
>   Modified files:
>     lib                  Messages.php
>   Log:
>   Fix undefined variable error. Duck, is this what was intended here?
>   Revision  Changes    Path
>   1.299     +3 -3      agora/lib/Messages.php
>   Chora Links:
> http://cvs.horde.org/diff.php/agora/lib/Messages.php?r1=1.298&r2=1.299&ty=u

I was experiencing long time tying to delete cached thread - to loop by evry 
single pagination/sorting combinations. So I flowed the idea to simulate a 
namespece from http://www.eu.socialtext.net/memcached/index.cgi?faq. So  we 
don't load the prefs file and execute multiply delete calls but just alter 
the prefix that is part for the later retrieved cache key.
It will be more more cleaner if our cache key will know 
increment()/decrement() wich xcache,apc and memcached already support.


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