[dev] push email

Matt Selsky selsky at columbia.edu
Wed Feb 27 00:36:14 UTC 2008

Has anyone tried using Z-Push (http://z-push.sourceforge.net/soswp/) to 
allow ActiveSync clients to have push email from an IMAP server?

Z-Push is a PHP-based ActiveSync server (similar to Horde's SyncML 
server) that has plugable backends for mail, contacts, calendar, tasks, 
etc.  They provide the mail backend and leave the other backends for 
someone else to write (since it depends on how that data is stored).

ActiveSync uses wbxml, similar to SyncML.

Is there interest in writing Horde backends for Z-Push, and possibly 
bundling Z-Push with Horde, so that we provide both a SyncML and 
ActiveSync server and cover even more mobile clients?


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