[dev] Checking Joomla templates

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Mar 6 04:27:40 UTC 2008

Quoting Elier Delgado <elier.delgado at gmail.com>:

> I don't know if you have see this kind of templates/themes before ..
> I think that are more flexible than the horde templates.
> http://www.siteground.com/joomla-hosting/joomla-templates.htm
> http://www.wpthemesfree.com/

Sure... but theming a blog is a bit simpler than theming a framework  
with 60 applications...

> My proposal it's allow to Horde change completely their appearance,
> maybe this is impossible with the actuals applications,
> so we can start a new version of Horde with this features, maybe could be
> named "HordeFlex". Initially this versions it's empty, only flexible UI, and
> new applications or features could be added little by little.

Okay, in general, this sounds fine. The question is, _how_ do you want  
to do this?

> Trying to represent this idea:
> The actual Horde could be this:
> Horde Framework + UI (Top and Sidebar menu) + Applications
> My proposal is:
> Horde Framework + UI Flexible + New Applications or new versions of
> traditional Horde Applications.

I don't want to maintain two versions of Horde at the same time for  
this. New UI/layout functionality should go into Horde 4, and it is  
certainly on the table for it.

> So, the idea it's not only facilitate one framework to the developers, else
> facilitate too
> a flexible UI ready to add rich applications, or use the available
> applications.


> I can help with this, the things it's that I want do it in the best way with
> your help & suggestions, and let it public in your repository.

Great! I'd love to see some more detailed proposals.


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