[dev] My Ansel tasks

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Mar 8 00:19:17 UTC 2008

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

> After the last set of patches I isolated the minimum set of changes  
> to Ansel t
> o be usable for my community. I am writing them down to discuss them before I
> start working on them as I think are for general purpose and so  
> suitable to be
> committed.
> 1.  Automatic watermark of screen images
> I will like that if the pref is locked the images are automatically  
> watermarke
> d like "user at domain.com". Some prefs for default watermark position  
> will be ad
> ded.

I don't think this should happen if the pref is locked, but rather  
based on a new "automatic watermark" pref. Otherwise, great idea.

> 2. Offensive content
> Galleries soul have the "from age" attribute. A configuration option  
> will be a
> dded to specify age classes like in Oscar (no classes - the feature  
> is disable
> d) to allow user/editor mark a gallery as a possible offensive  
> content that sh
> ould be limited to 18+.

I think this is a good idea as long as it's both switchable via admin  
configuration and a user pref so they have the ability to turn it off  
for their galleries.

> 3. Report abuse
> Users can report a gallery as a potential offensive content, for copyright in
> fragment ...

Sounds good...again, as long as it's configurable by an admin.

> 4. Limited download full photo
> In a community we just publishing our photos. We don't like to see  
> our origina
> l camera photos to go around the net. So a configuration option will be added
> that allows the following values/states:
> - all - The same as is now
> - edit - Only users that have edit permission can access this photos
> - hook - Access is granted by a hook, possible to later add the  
> ability to sel
> l the image "archive" servive

That's strange, for some reason I thought that this was already  
configurable in conf.php for at least hiding the link.

So..obviously, I think it's a good idea :)  I'd also like to add a 3rd  
option to your list above, and that's to let the user decide by maybe  
adding a new gallery property.

And at the risk of stating the obvious, this would be pointless if  
using a file based VFS and using url rewriting to view directly out of  
the VFS.

> 5. Password protected galleries
> The user has to have an simple possibility to lock his gallery not by only by
> permissions but also by password. If the pass is set the permissions  
> are reset
> to default and before someone enters the gallery he must enter the  
> password li
> ke in Oscar for videos. Is much spliest for a really large user list  
> or to all
> ow restricted access for specific guests.

Sounds reasonable...


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Time just hates me. That's why it made me an adult." - Josh Joplin
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